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Flexible and Family Minded


Full Day Care
Select days each week

Our permanent full day care provides care for selected days each week on a permanent basis. Children may attend between the hours of 6.30am to 6.00pm.


COST: $135.500 per day

3 Year-Old Kindergarten
Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Available for children eligible for three year old kinder. Children participate in two days worth of educational program in the Rainbow Lorikeets Room.


COST: $0.00 per day

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Casual Care
Subject to Availability

Casual care is available on selected days and booked no more than one week in advance. Bookings can be made for Casual Days across both services, ONLY if the care is available.


COST: $135.50 per day

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Primary School Aged Children Only

Children attending one of the primary schools who need before and after school care as well as vacation/holiday care.


Cubby House educators will walk children to their designated schools from Cubby House in the morning and pick them up at the end of their school day. Cubby House runs a school holiday program with activities advertised in the weeks leading up to school holidays.



Before School Care 6.30am - 8.30am: $35.50 per session

After School Care 3.30pm - 5.30pm: $35.50 per session


Vacation / Holiday Care
8.30am - 5.30pm

The Cubby House School Holiday Program is run every school holiday and throughout January until school starts. Selected sessions are booked for your child on the days needed.


COST: $108.50 per day

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